Indeco Compactors Brochure

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IHC compactors

Indeco IHC compactors combine high compaction with

fast turnaround times. They are a very efficient replacement

both for traditional risky and tiring manual equipment and

for self-propelled rollers, which are at great risk of rollover

during slope applications.

Compaction is achieved by applying both the dynamic

force of a hydraulically-driven vibration system and the

static weight of the carrier boom to the thick steel baseplate

of the compactor.

Of course, the dynamic forces have to be powerful enough

to vibrate the steel baseplate. To enable this to happen,

Indeco compactors (mounted straight onto the carrier

boom) are hydraulically driven with an oil-bath bearing

system, which gives a balanced design of compaction force

and vibration speed, so as to achieve the depth penetration

needed to reduce air voids and move more material faster.

Indeco’s fixed IHC hydraulic compactors offer superior

efficiency and versatility compared with other products on

the market. Being fitted with the same mounting bracket as

other Indeco hydraulic equipment makes it easy to switch

from one tool to another at the jobsite.

Using just the carrier’s hydraulic circuit, they are ideal for

compacting backfill for trenches, as well as embankments

or other steep slope applications, around foundations or

close to other obstacles.

IHC compactors are also perfect for working on grainy,

cohesive and semi-cohesive soils with optional adapters on

the vibratory plate turning them into highly efficient,

pile-driving tools. Robust, versatile and highly productive,

IHC compactors have a number of special features created

by the technology researchers at Indeco.

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