Indeco Compactors Brochure

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1 | Indeconnect system

New remote monitoring system, based on the principles of

the Internet of Things, to prevent equipment obsolescence

and keep high performance. The ‘Indeconnect’ system

consists of a device equipped with 4G technology for a

wireless connection to the network, to be mounted on

the equipment, and a cloud-based web platform you can

access from mobile devices (with an app) or from PC,

that lets you view the data transmitted in real time by each

installed device: working hours, working position in space,

hydraulic oil temperature, ambient temperature,

GPS position, and more.

Through Indeconnect you can:

• Monitor productivity, making sure each Indeco tool is

working as intended

• Check operations, verifying in real time the various

internal and external parameters of the equipment to

make sure that it is used in optimal conditions and


• Increase security, by remotely checking the position of

the equipment through GPS

• Plan maintenance, monitoring the health of each Indeco

tool in real time, also through the automatic alert and

messaging system that lets you order spare parts and

reduce machine downtime to a minimum

• Optimise rental, by supervising and monitoring the

management of rented equipment.

2 | Backfll blade

A useful option, mounted on the compactor, for smoothing

and levelling the earth to be compacted, without needing

to switch from compactor to bucket.

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